Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I guess Cisco thinks you made a stupid decision....

Well...marketing does reign at Cisco.  Their newest marketing campaign is called "When Good Enough is not good enough"


While I get what they are trying to do... to position themselves as better than the competition out there..and to suggest that all networks should be built the "best".  The fault with that marketing campaign is assuming that Cisco is the best. They are certainly not.  Both HP & Juniper and some of the smaller players are out there building very advanced networks....and customers choose someone other than Cisco not only because it was cheaper....but it delivered the advanced architecture that the customer needed and a price point that was FAIR.

Sorry Cisco... good try...but you're certainly suggesting that all of the people that didnt pick you..actually cheapened up their network. Sorry..they didn't.  They increased bandwidth, increased reliability, decreased latency...and oh yeah...decreased costs!

how to undo IRF

IRF commands are not saved in the normal configuration...so just reseting the config doesnt undo the IRF.  You must do the following:

irf member X renumber 1
undo irf member X irf-port 1
undo irf member X irf-port 2


Cisco Nexus is 25% line rate!