Friday, May 17, 2013

#network #factoid of the day #forces was an earlier attempt at #sdn

"Forwarding and Control Element Separation (ForCES) defines an
   architectural framework and associated protocols to standardize
   information exchange between the control plane and the forwarding

Monday, May 13, 2013

Have a bad case of #mdn ? Take two #sdn and call me in the morning! ;-)

@microsoft #lync #workshop in #chicago this week

A free, half-day event sponsored by HP/Microsoft and produced by TechTarget custom media
Microsoft / HP
TechTarget, Where serious technology buyers decide.
Making Unified Communications & Collaboration a Reality
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When: May 16, 3013
Where: Microsoft Technology Center, Chicago, MA
Time: 8:30 AM - 11:45 AM
Cost: Free
Produced by: HP/Microsoft and TechTarget Custom Media
On May 16, Making Unified Communications & Collaboration a Reality makes it way to Chicago's Microsoft Technology Center! This complimentary half-day seminar is a timely opportunity to hear from two of the most respected unified communications and collaboration gurus, Lee Mackey and Ryan Koftan. RSVP today to grab your complimentary delegate seat.
Event overview
Headlining the day's keynote session, Understanding the Idiosyncrasies of UC, Lee Mackey will offer insights amassed from leading dozens of high-profile UC deployments during his two decades in the industry. He'll help you better define what UC means to you and your organization, and demonstrate how UC can enable you to more effectively assess your business processes and make better decisions, solve mission-critical communication challenges and increase both soft-and hard-dollar ROI.
Ryan Koftan takes the day's conversation one step further in his session, Simplifying Your Lync Deployment, by serving up a practical roadmap for key planning considerations. He'll offer speed bumps to watch out for and lessons learned to help you avoid inadvertent (and quite costly) missteps to fully maximize the benefits of your Lync deployment.
Delegate seats for this exclusive seminar are limited to ensure plenty of time for audience Q&A, access to our expert speakers and networking time your your peers in a relaxed setting; please RSVP today to secure your complimentary seat
Register Now

Lee Mackey
Independent Unified Communications and Collaboration Consultant
Ryan Koftan
Senior Solution Architect, HP Technology Services Consulting
Each attendee will receive an interactive Blync light to bring your online presence into the office. the Blync light is an unobtrusive way to let your colleagues know you're on a call or busy with a deadline.

© 2012 TechTarget.
275 Grove Street, Newton, MA 02466
TechTarget, Where serious technology buyers decide.

@networkworld #sdn #seminar in #chicago

I'll be there with HP!  If you can come, please do!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Will commodity hardware be the result of #sdn yes, but not exclusively

Honestly I dont agree.  While there will be vendors that will make their pitch to move to SDN to save capital costs... but really the big savings..and the savings that will drive the industry (for the right reasons)  will be operating savings.

And to get operating savings... we will need to instantiate lot of functionality in the network. I think hardware costs will probably stay the same.  the parts we will save on..we will pour back into different parts.

Right now.. ASICs are not openflow orientated. They dont have big enough flow tables for all the cool applications that come out.    My wish list is for asics with really big flow tables.  That way I can get really granular and push lots of rules down to the edge of my network.  What I want to do is push functionality that is in the distro and the core out the edge. Deal with traffic closest to the source or destination.   I also want my edge boxes to have lots of extra I can do security, deep packet inspection, or manipulation.   I want compute power to instantiate apps on my edge.

I think that hardware will become richer, not poorer

@networkworld on @interop and #sdn

My exact thoughts from my posts earlier this week captured by Network World.  A pretty said state of leadership (or lack thereof) from Cisco & Juniper on SDN:

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Who needs a #sdn when you can have an #mdn ?

Vendors @interop in #lasvegas all simultaneously launch @marketing-defined-networks @mdn

Cisco, Vmware, Juniper.. all publicly launch their MDN solutions and architectures.. more to follow

#holycrap the @juniper #sdn is the most complicated mess ive seen yet

IP fabric built on bgp
Mpls over GRE to connect vswitchs
Xmpp to do control
A controller
And a northbound api
Also mentioned was a router..which I think does the mpls over gre

Really? This is exactly the kind of network protocol gumbo the industry wants to move away from!

@interop @juniper keynote

Does anyone buy this marketing of reactive vs proactive?

Sounds like just an argument of "open flow wasn't invented" here type mentality

@interop @juniper keynote

Unfortunately they kick off their keynote by making fun of sdn

@interop #sdn panel

Was very surprised to hear the VMware panelist make the statement that he doesn't see the value of the northbound api

At the @interop keynote wednesday morning...

Cisco kicked off and had 30min to talk to us about sdn.  I saw one slide that mentioned sdn.  And instead of educating us on anything at all..other than Cisco is "great"... The speaker played basketball on stage. 

Cisco isn't even trying to be part of the conversation!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Is @arista trying to be the next @force10 ?

After coming out with a cool low latency switch..but only albe to sell it to the very very small niche HFT environment... can Arista make a dent in the data center business?

100,000 servers in a data center? not many of those... and with Google being one of the biggest and they use their own "secret" hardware...  or.. where data cetners are becoming so much more complex... the software defined data center made up of a orchestration layer on top of servers/storage/network... can Arista be compelling enough?  I think not.

@hp #bladesystem marix supports #openstack

Friday, May 3, 2013

@tolly tries to bury the new @hp_networking 11900 switch..but we end up burying their test gear! #booyah

(64) 40gb/s interfaces running snake test with 2.56tb/s of traffic... what a monster!

@hp_networking releases HP 11900 #trill #fcoe and #openflow enable switch #hphasdatacentermojo

#booyah @hp_networking releases #badboy 36tb/s #openflow enable data center core switch

@networkworld artcile on @hp_networking #datacenter products

@hp_networking releases first #vswitch the #5900v

@crn article on new #sdn products from @hp_networking